Press Release Summary = Operator or Visitor Initiated Web Chat, MovingGraph Stats, & Instant Messenging.
Press Release Body = A completely NEW approach to live chat! Using an instant messenger interface allows you to take back your desktop while still being able to provide live chat support to your customers! Not only that, but you also can get statisitcs about your site, your operators, and your sales. All this, and you also can talk to all your friends today on the top 7 insant messenger systems out there.
Now you can TALK with people who are visiting your website! ChatStat offers free 2-way live chat with your website visitors, free MovingGraphTM website statistics, and free instant messaging protocol support for AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, Jabber, GoogleTalk, Skype, and Skype Voice Over IP. ChatStat also breaks new ground by being the first Live Chat software that can use the Skype VOIP protocol to “call back” customers. ChatStat also has TRUE multi-site live chat support and EBAY auction support. NEW! Language Translation is now available! 12 Languages. NEW! Complete control of your chat icons and pop up chat request!